News and Updates!

Hello All! 

Here's a quick update on how things are going with the book...

I'm working hard on some updates and revisions to "The Violin Shop." Thank you all for your great feedback so far. 

You'll notice some changes on this blog as I make some initial changes to the first several chapters. I may add Chapter 6 and 7 here as well, but after that, it's on to getting the book done and published! 

My plan is to finish my manuscript completely, and then enlist some beta readers (that's you!) for some feedback on the project. 

After that, the book will go through the editorial process, and then I will tackle the necessary corrections and rewrites. 

Once beta reads, editing, and rewrites are finished, the only thing left before publishing will be final proofing of the manuscript. 

I'm still debating the traditional trade publishing route vs. self-publishing on Amazon. I've had great feedback in regards to both options. I'm going to see how things go with the final manuscript after it goes through the editorial and proofing process before making a decision. 

I very much appreciate all of you who have taken the time to read my work. I've received lots of great comments, emails, and encouraging words.

I'll keep you posted on what is coming next. 

Thanks again for your support! 


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